Sunday, April 5, 2015


I have to rant here. I see articles every single day with bibi netanyahu 's face and quotes from him like "USA is too soft on IRAN's NUCLEAR POLICY".
First, will someone please explain to me how the prime minister of israel has usa mainstream media's collective head so far up his ass?
Second bibi netanyahu is wringing his hands and running around like chicken little screaming about Iran's nuclear arsenal when the reality is that they don't even have one nuclear missile. Israel has at least 80 nuclear warheads; most likely all made in U.S.A. and handed over to israel along with $8Million USD A DAY in #wethepeople 's tax money.
israel massacred over 2000 Palestinian civilians this past summer, 2014, in GAZA. Nary a peep from Washington D.C. other than "israel has a right to defend itself" and hillary clinton 's "israel did what it had to do."
AND while we're on the subject of nuclear warheads, USA has over 2,000 maybe 3,000 they're very secretive about exact numbers.
These "negotiations" always have that threat looming over them. "Play ball Iran or risk the wrath of USA's military sending drones to rain death down on  your people."
BUT all I'm seeing is that bibi doesn't approve of these negotiations.
I don't approve of israel's top zionazi wagging the dog of american media like it's his personal bitch.
I don't approve of so called "us representatives" handing over our tax dollars to israel.
I don't approve of the semi-literate majority of american citizens saying they "stand behind israel".
OK that's off my chest for now and I feel good about it.